What is YOUR
purpose in life?
What is YOUR
Purpose in life?

Do you Know Your Purpose in Life?

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

And if you give yourself to the hungry And satisfy the desire of the afflicted, Then your light will rise in darkness And your gloom will become like midday. The Bible Isaiah 58:10

“Though I confess with shame I sometimes succumb and give the dollar, it is a wicked dollar which by and by I shall have the manhood to withhold.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

It is a fact that giving to others in need brings joy, peace, and a purpose to life.  

Do you want to live purposefully? Do you want to make a difference?

Then join Suzan and me as we work to make a difference in peoples lives. People who literally have no hope. There are many ways to help Shelter The World and we would love to have you join us.

It has been said the “real life” is one that is charitable and a charitable life is one of purpose. Helping people in poverty; and in our case helping those lacking adequate shelter is our purpose. It is our life’s purpose to help shelter as many people as we can.

If your purpose includes helping people living in poverty improve their lives, then you have come to the right place.  Helping others is what gives us purpose and something you can do today.

Here are some great and simple ways to help right now.

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Sponsor Us! There is much to be done.

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Become a Virtual Volunteer Today and Change a Life.

My personal experiences confirms there is no greater reward then helping someone in need.  Let’s do this together. Find purpose and meaning while doing simple things, that one day, with a lot of help, will impact families for generations.  We can do this.  We can Shelter The World. Join us today.