لماذا تتبرع بالمال للأعمال الخيرية, especially to a housing ministry?
Answering the first part of the question is somewhat easier than the second part. ال why donate money to charity part of the questions is basic at it’s core: an individual or group hold a belief that they have sufficient, if not abundant resources (usually money) to take care of themselves and believe that a portion of their excess can be applied to a cause or ministry that improves something they care about.
The second part off the question about why donate money to charity, especially a housing ministry is a little more nuanced.
The individual or group doing the giving has come to the conclusion that housing is important and therefore their contributions can make the biggest impact when applied to sheltering people around the world.
The larger question associated with the question of why donate money to charity lies in determining who can be trusted with the money that is donated.
We are thankful for those who have decided to make an impact on the living conditions of those who are living in desperate situations. Somehow many have come to know that hundreds of millions of people live at “the bottom of the pyramid” and are exposed and vulnerable.
Our job then is to assure you that when you ask the question: why donate money to charity, especially a housing ministry you know with certainty that your contributions are indeed going to impact people in need and squandering valuable resources is not going to happen.
Our aim at Shelter the World is to demonstrate that when you ask the question: why donate money to charity, especially a housing ministry you see the evidence in one simple way…peoples lives being changed because their lives have been impacted by improved living conditions. We are dedicated and focus on the very bottom of the pyramid…we go where others dare not venture!
Thank you for contributing to our purpose. Thank you for asking the question: why donate money to charity?
نبذة عن الكاتب:
أنا أبحث لإحداث فرق في حياة الناس الذين يعيشون في فقر مدقع والذين يعيشون في ظروف معيشية غير ملائمة. رأيت الأوضاع في فقر مدقع والكوارث على حد سواء، وأعتقد أننا يمكن أن نقوم بعمل أفضل من يساعد خارجا; خصوصا الأطفال, الأطفال, والأسر. نحن محظوظون لكوننا نعيش في أمريكا, وهذا هو وقتي لتقديم الأفضل! لن تشاركوني?