Our Brick Fundraising Pledge: For every virtual brick you donate, we'll strive to make at least twelve bricks available to a family living in poverty.

Why Bricks?

Simple!  Bricks are small, easy to handle, relatively inexpensive, and they can be made nearby the people who need them.  More importantly, they can be made by the people themselves; given the right tools and education.  What we are doing is equipping people with skills and tools to make bricks for themselves.  Once they have mastered the skill on their own dwelling they can then use those skills to earn a living.

stw and hope logo
Donate Bricks
house in the dump

Chances are nearly one hundred percent that a child born in the slums in an underdeveloped country will live the remainder of their lives in that slum.


AND the greatest opportunity for that change comes from you. 

So don’t hold back, donate as many bricks as you can and spread the word about what we are doing so even more people can be helped.

The whole point of our Brick Fundraising Campaign

Even if you decide not to donate to our brick fundraising campaign; remember this.  Until and unless something or someone changes the direction of a child living in a slum, there is no reason to believe their kids and their kid’s kids will know anything other than extreme poverty.

Be the ONE that changes that in their lives and in the lives of the generations that follow.  Donate Bricks!

making bricks by hand

It is only right that once we “see” an unfortunate situation we do what we can to make it better. Jesus said the poor will always be with us. So we are not trying to end “poor”; we are aiming our work at something much more sinister than poor. We’re training our sites on the poverty within the poverty.

Why is that?

Because, although bricks are inexpensive, they are unaffordable to people living in poverty who do not have the skills to earn an income. Without an income, nothing will improve, and where there are no skills, there is no income. And in that state, people will wallow forever, generation after generation; stagnating in the cesspool of their existence.

Just an aside; have you ever been to a slum. I mean deep in, where the smell, once inhaled will never leave you. Things are unimaginably bad in there, so your brick donations are vital to helping to stop this for at least one family.

poverty row housing

Now, after reading all this, it may still be rather hard to imagine that a brick can make a difference. But it does!

Remember without skill, nothing changes, and one tiny brick house does an unmeasurable amount of good for a family in poverty; especially for the children.

For this reason, we work to educate the family to use the newly acquired tools and “building skills” to earn an income. They can use this income to improve other aspects of their lives and their community.

We are committed to helping people build their way out of poverty, and we need your help. And one of the simplest ways to do that is to ask you to donate bricks, and a lot of them too. We want to help as many people as we can, but we can’t help any of you don’t help too.

Remember, as more and more bricks are given, more and more work can be done so, don’t hold back, donate lots of brick!

Donate Bricks

The lowly brick!  We’ve seen them used as door stops, used to prop things up, hold up cars while changing a tire (and sometimes left that way) and we’re pretty sure you have too.  As a matter of fact you probably have many more ideas as to how bricks are used.  

But to a family living in poverty, a brick is golden.  Sometimes it takes years to accumulate enough blocks to add a room onto a home for an expanding family.  

Although we often take the brick for granted, people in third world countries will go to great lengths to buy bricks and get them home to expand their house or begin a new one. As amusing as this picture may be, there is but one one question to ask:

Is a brick this important to you?

Would you walk miles carting bricks on a bicycle? 

So, now is the time to help us help people like the man in the picture.
Donate bricks, today.

brick bike