Donate Earthquake Relief Shelters for Survivors of Nepal Earthquakes
The 25 & 26 April 2015 Earthquakes in Nepal leveled parts of the capital Kathmandu, left 3.5 million homeless, over 8,000 people killed, destroyed entire villages, and left much of the country in rubble.
Help us help Nepal recover.
Our New Goal is 100 earthquake resistant houses! Amount we Need To Raise $150,000
April 2016 marked the one year anniversary since the big earthquakes struck Nepal in April 2015. You may not know this, but over 300,000 houses were destroyed, and another 185,000 were damaged in the quake. This was a devastating earthquake, and relief has been very slow leaving the living areas in shambles which cause other acute problems to manifest. The delay has been so slow in fact, protesters marched on the Capital on the one-year anniversary. The protesters are victims struggling to cope and shouted slogans of disbelief at the Prime Minister for the slow recovery process.
Unlike Haiti, which was right in our back yard and was well covered by the media, Nepal’s natural disaster has been largely ignored. We do not hear or see too much in the way of reporting on the people and their struggles. This is why we must continue to champion for the cause to help provide shelter for those in need. I came across an article in The Atlantic that has many high-resolution images of the aftermath and is a story board of the quake and a quick read. One thing is for certain; this is a long-term recovery effort. It is hard to say, but we can all imagine how difficult it is going to be for the Neplaneese people for years to come. Especially the children. Some of whom have lost limbs and are disfigured for life.
I wish the emergency response would have been larger and our efforts more impactful, but people just have not been too interested. This was such a massive earthquake I would think we should be hearing more about it on a regular basis. I do know that the Red Cross has a mission in Kathmandu Nepal and have remained active in supporting the immediate needs of people by providing items like hygiene kits. However, they are ill-equipped to impact the long-term recovery.
Like Haiti, The earthquake recovery is either hampered or supported and enhanced by the government. However, we often forget that these are developing countries. Leaders of countries where natural disaster occur may be willing, but they just don’t have the resources to do too much.
Second Earthquake in Nepal and parts of India
Widespread damage by the first 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a second 6.7 magnitude earthquake has left much of the capital city riddled with death and destruction and in perilous harm of even more buildings collapsing. Remote villages have been wiped out leaving the residents vulnerable to further hardships from being exposed to the elements and from those who capitalize on such calamities; especially small children, and women. The quakes were not limited to Nepal as tremors were felt as far away as Uttar Pradesh India. Although the damage there was minimal. Shelter The World is preparing to provide relief in the form long-term relief shelters. Keeping with our model of teaching people to build out of poverty, Shelter The World will provide training and materials to select Nepal Earthquake victims later this year.
Shelters for Survivors of Earthquake in Nepal
It is important to remember Nepal is a mountainous region and home to Mount Everest. This means it is more important than ever to provide insulated shelter that will withstand the harsh environment and survive decades. As such we will use the IADDIC Shelters systems for building 8′ X 12′ shelter; complete with the tools, equipment, and materials to build insulated shelters.
Nepal Earthquake Shelter Goal
- Our goal is to provide 100 earthquake resistant houses
- Each earthquake house costs $888.00 USD
- 1 set of tools and Equipment ~ cost $16,000 USD
- Shipping and Travel cost TBD
- Estimated target goal $150,000
It is expected that once the disaster relief shelter/houses are complete, your contributions will have provided shelter for a minimum of 400- 500 people and over 20 people. The skills the people learn will be able to provide future earthquake resistant homes. This contribution makes the impact profoundly important, for generations. The shelters houses we have chosen are capable of lasting decades so additional funds and resources will not be needed.
Additional information about the earthquakes in Nepal: Although we have not seen much in the news, it has been reported that China, Europe and near east Asia countries have contributed the lion’s share of the international aid. One of the largest problems, besides the buildings collapsing, is the extensive damage to the infrastructure. Roads have been ripped apart handicapping relief efforts and impacting the government and local business. It is being reported from folks on the ground that what once took just a few hours to travel a few miles, now takes days. Thousands of people are desperate for food, and poor traveling conditions have had an adverse effect on local deliveries. No doubt the work, time, and expense to rebuild Nepal will be long, hard, and expensive. With minor aftershocks still be recorded, people are worried that another significant seismic event will cause landslides, hampering new relief efforts, and cripple the distribution of supplies. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen because Nepal’s’ rebuilding effort is going to take decades as it is.