该 25 & 26 四月 2015 尼泊尔地震夷为平地的首都加德满都的部分, 剩下 3.5 万人无家可归, 过度 8,000 人死亡, 摧毁整个村庄, 并留下太多的废墟全国.
我们的新目标是 100 earthquake resistant houses! 量WE需要提高 $150,000
四月 2016 marked the one year anniversary since the big earthquakes struck Nepal in April 2015. You may not know this, 但在 300,000 房屋被毁, 而另一 185,000 were damaged in the quake. This was a devastating earthquake, 救灾一直非常缓慢留下混乱的生活区造成其他严重的问题体现. 延迟已经如此之慢, 抗议者在首都的一周年. The protesters are victims struggling to cope and shouted slogans of disbelief at the Prime Minister for the slow recovery process.
不像海地, 这是对我们的后院被媒体很好地覆盖, 尼泊尔的自然灾害在很大程度上被忽略. We do not hear or see too much in the way of reporting on the people and their struggles. This is why we must continue to champion for the cause to help provide shelter for those in need. I came across an article in 大西洋组织 that has many high-resolution images of the aftermath and is a story board of the quake and a quick read. One thing is for certain; 这是一个长期的恢复工作. It is hard to say, 但我们都可以想像它会多么困难是对Neplaneese人几年来. Especially the children. Some of whom have lost limbs and are disfigured for life.
祝应急响应将是更大,我们的努力更具冲击力, 但人们只是一直没太有兴趣. This was such a massive earthquake I would think we should be hearing more about it on a regular basis. I do know that the Red Cross has a mission in Kathmandu Nepal and have remained active in supporting the immediate needs of people by providing items like hygiene kits. 然而, 他们没有能力影响长期复苏.
像海地, 地震恢复要么阻碍或支持,由政府提高. 然而, 我们常常忘记,这些都是发展中国家. 国家的领导人,其中自然灾害发生的可能愿意, 但他们只是没有足够的资源做太多.
Second Earthquake in Nepal and parts of India
由第一广泛的损害 7.8 级大地震和第二 6.7 magnitude earthquake has left much of the capital city riddled with death and destruction and in perilous harm of even more buildings collapsing. Remote villages have been wiped out leaving the residents vulnerable to further hardships from being exposed to the elements and from those who capitalize on such calamities; 尤其是小的孩子, 和女人. 该地震不仅限于尼泊尔震颤的人被认为远在北方邦印度. Although the damage there was minimal. 大庇天下正准备在形式长期救助管理站提供救济. Keeping with our model of teaching people to build out of poverty, 大庇天下将提供培训和材料选择在今年晚些时候尼泊尔地震灾民.
重要的是要记住尼泊尔是一个多山的地区和家庭珠穆朗玛峰是非常重要的. This means it is more important than ever to provide insulated shelter that will withstand the harsh environment and survive decades. As such we will use the IADDIC Shelters systems for building 8′ X 12′ 庇护; 完整的工具, 设备, 和材料,以建立绝缘收容所.
- 我们的目标是提供 100 earthquake resistant houses
- 每一次地震都的房子成本 $888.00 美元
- 1 set of tools and Equipment ~ cost $16,000 美元
- 运输和旅游价格待定
- 预计目标的目标 $150,000
据预计,一旦救灾住房/房子是完整的, your contributions will have provided shelter for a minimum of 400- 500 人及以上 20 人. The skills the people learn will be able to provide future earthquake resistant homes. This contribution makes the impact profoundly important, 世世代代. The shelters houses we have chosen are capable of lasting decades so additional funds and resources will not be needed.
关于尼泊尔地震的更多信息: Although we have not seen much in the news, 据报道,中国, 欧洲和近东地区国家做出贡献的国际援助的最大份额. 其中最大的一个问题, 除了建筑物倒塌, 是对基础设施的大面积破坏. Roads have been ripped apart handicapping relief efforts and impacting the government and local business. It is being reported from folks on the ground that what once took just a few hours to travel a few miles, 现在需要花费数天. 成千上万的人都在拼命为食, 差行驶状况对本地交付产生不利影响. No doubt the work, 时间, 和费用,重建尼泊尔将是长期的, 硬, 和昂贵的. With minor aftershocks still be recorded, 人们担心的是另一个显著地震事件会导致山体滑坡, 阻碍新的救灾工作, 和削弱用品的分配. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen because Nepal’s’ 重建工作将要花费数十年,因为它是.